阿比让和非洲大陆大多数大城市一样,缺乏足够的交通解决方案. 快速增长的中产阶级越来越多地使用私家车或两轮车,这导致了巨大的拥堵问题.

当最大的城市在 科特迪瓦 decided to invest in a public transportation system; with the aim of reducing congestion and getting closer to sustainable urban mobility goals, 斯堪尼亚将自己定位为PG电子官方免费下载团队支持和PG电子官方免费下载商务协调的首选合作伙伴. 最重要的是, an engagement strategy was developed between Scania, PG电子官方免费下载队和科特迪瓦队使高层关键决策者和政府能够实现目标.

财政提议得到EKN和PG电子官方免费下载克朗的支持,而战略沟通和接触则由PG电子官方免费下载大使正式进行. All efforts were coordinated by Business PG电子官方免费下载.

没有PG电子官方免费下载队的帮助, we might not even have been given the opportunity to present our solutions”, says Fredrik Morsing, senior advisor at Scania.

在Côte科特迪瓦, 斯堪尼亚的解决方案将满足政府到2022年建立现代公共交通解决方案网络的目标, thus reducing the use of single carriage vehicles and the level of air pollution. 除了, 斯堪尼亚及其合作伙伴将提供一个公交车站,并为公交司机和技术人员提供广泛的培训. 项目合作伙伴还将致力于开发和实施当地替代燃料解决方案,最终实现100%使用生物柴油的公共汽车车队.

Biofuels have a positive impact both on local air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. If you compare a biogas engine to a diesel engine used in most 非洲n countries today, it will reduce local emissions by 90 per cent.在减少温室气体方面, biogas could also lead to reductions of up to 90 per cent in a well to wheel perspective. 这是与化石燃料相比,考虑到生物燃料的生产和使用的总效果, 弗雷德里克·莫辛说道,并继续说道:  

然而, the biggest game changer is not the fuel the buses we deliver will operate on, it is to get the growing population to stop using private cars. If you instead make people travel by a modern bus in an organised system, you take away more than 80 cars from the streets for every bus in operation. Our goal is to make sustainable transport a reality for all countries in the region”. 

Anthonia Adenaya howard, PG电子官方免费下载商业公司西非主管, 交通运输是非洲的主要污染物,因此是实现可持续发展目标需要解决的重要挑战. She agrees with Fredrik Morsing that you must start by changing people’s behaviour.  

“科特迪瓦 is traditionally very individualistic in its modes of transportation. 你骑自行车, 摩托车, or car; it is considered safer, 在某些方面更快,更舒适,而不是在远离家的公共汽车站等公共汽车. 因此,我们还必须从整体角度促进可持续的基础设施投资,使更多的国家能够修路, 公交车站, bus depots and service facilities that will make communal transportation more attractive. And not the least provide training to bus drivers and technicians” 

Anthonia Adenaya howard强调,在科特迪瓦取得成功的关键是合作, 为PG电子官方免费下载供应商提供了进一步参与的平台和建立可持续商业伙伴关系的机会, 特别是在生物燃料领域.  

“这是一种双赢的关系, 斯堪尼亚及其合作伙伴提出了可持续交通的伟大解决方案,并与PG电子官方免费下载团队一起为所有相关企业的利益而努力, 的国家, 地区和世界.” 



经济增长的Côte科特迪瓦, rapid urbanisation and an underdeveloped public transport system, chose to invest in sustainable public transport.



感谢PG电子官方免费下载商务部门在战略层面协调PG电子官方免费下载团队的努力,并促进与高层决策者的联系, Scania discovered business opportunities they did not know existed in West 非洲.


经过多年的加工和努力,斯堪尼亚在阿比让完成了一个大型客车项目. 450辆与生物燃料兼容的公交车将在Côte科特迪瓦帮助改善公共交通和可持续交通.



Scania is a world leading provider of transport solutions, 包括重型运输应用的卡车和公共汽车,并提供广泛的产品相关PG电子游戏. 该公司还提供汽车融资, 保险, and rental services to enable customers to focus on their core business. Moreover, Scania is the leading provider of industrial and marine engines.  

有50,000名员工, 合作伙伴, 客户遍布约100个国家, Scania is driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system.